

The Secrétariat des évêques catholiques du Québec is launching a new call for projects under its social action funding program. Projects are selected on an annual basis, according to priority needs and the selection criteria presented in the funding application form (the form is available in French).
The next application deadline is May 15, 2024, for funding in June 2024. Find out more here...

4th Sunday in Lent: Joy Sunday
To help us live the Word of God better, as a teenager I kept it in song, and two references caught my attention. Jesus said: "I am the Light of the world; whoever follows me will no longer walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (Jn 8:12). "Count God's blessings; set them all before your eyes. As you worship, you will see that their number is immense". In Psalm 103, we have a list of some of God's benefits, to which is added the expression of his mercy for us. The Word of God, food for souls, joy in mercy, joy in hope...
Salvation is obtained by pure grace when it is accepted in faith, and not by merit. Our eyes are thus opened to the mercy of our God, who went so far as to take a step that is incomprehensible to human beings: the gift of God's only Son, so that through this sacrifice, every person can be saved. We still need to become aware of this and accept the Love of our God, who draws us out of the misery of sin and turns us towards the joy of a new beginning with Him.
Over the course of this week, would you like to identify experiences of God's mercy in your daily life, and each time, sing a hymn of thanksgiving? How might your joy spread to those around you?
Happy Easter (Marie-Christine Adjobi; Project Manager)
5th Sunday in Lent: To share is to see Jesus
At the beginning of the Gospel, some Greeks approach Philip. They want to see Jesus. Philip discusses it with Andrew, and the two of them go to see Jesus. We can easily imagine the scene: "Jesus, there are strangers who want to see you" And Jesus, instead of consulting his agenda, launches into a theological discourse. "The hour has come for the Son of God to be glorified. Amen, amen, I say to you: if the grain of wheat that has fallen into the earth does not die, it remains alone", followed by a string of opposing ideas: if the grain dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it; he who detaches himself from it will keep it. If anyone wants to serve me, let him follow me; if anyone serves me, my Father will honor him. Let's go back to the Greeks, no doubt distraught by this speech. They simply wanted to see Jesus.
Well, that's that! To see Jesus, you have to go all the way to the cross. Jesus gave everything for those he loved. We're ready to do anything for those we love. Jesus had his hesitations on the cross, so it's not surprising that we have ours. Taking the beautiful risk of stepping outside ourselves and throwing the grain of wheat into the ground. Worry about others. Welcome that little voice inside us that invites us to give, even if it's only the superfluous. It's by sowing that we reap, and by giving that we receive. (Mario Béland s.m., pastorale sociale)
The Office for Evangelization and Catechesis, in collaboration with the National Liturgy Office and the Office national de liturgie, launches the 2024 video series titled Journey Through Lent. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, 14 February 2024, and for each Sunday in Lent, up to and including Palm Sunday, a video will be uploaded to the CCCB website featuring pastoral reflections based on the Readings for the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration. Geared to individuals, families, and communities, this series is meant to offer spiritual inspiration and guidance on how to prepare well for the Easter season.

In 2003, the Conseil du patrimoine religieux du Québec carried out an inventory of 2,751 places of worship built before 1976 and belonging to different religious traditions. As of December 31, 2023, 802 places of worship were in a state of flux. Thus, 29% of the places of worship inventoried in 2003 have been sold, put to a new use, demolished or closed. More than 230 buildings are now in private hands, and across Quebec, the CPRQ counts 165 municipalities that own at least one place of worship on their territory. 20 years after the completion of the Inventaire des lieux de culte du Québec, a portrait of the situation is being prepared and will be released by the end of the year.
In the Archdiocese of Gatineau, several churches now belong to organizations, other churches, private owners or municipalities, as is the case with Notre-Dame-De-Bonsecours church in Montebello.

This Lent, I invite you to join the Novatio Foundation in contemplating the theme "Embracing Hope: Illuminating Collaborative and Positive Change." The Novatio Foundation stands as a beacon of hope, where diverse gifts come together to co-create endless possibilities and projects. For example, seven vibrant youth groups are revitalizing parishes, gearing up for World Youth Day 2025, planning camps, pilgrimages, and envisioning shared gatherings. Be a part of this inspiring movement! You may consider giving the gift of hope through the Novatio Foundation by making a donation today.
In gratitude, thank you for considering a donation and to take a moment to read the full letter dedicated for you. In God's love.
Monique Washnuk
Advisor, Philanthropic Development
Development and Peace — Caritas Canada: a movement of solidarity
Established in 1967, Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada is the official international solidarity organization of the Catholic Church in Canada.
We address the root causes of poverty, oppression, and inequality by working with partners in the Global South and by mobilizing Canadians in the common struggle for justice and dignity. We champion women and social movements as key agents of lasting change.
Our transformative work is possible thanks to the generosity and support of our members and Canadians who stand by us.
Join the movement of over 12,000 members and help us bring our campaigns to life in your community. Visit devp.org/membership.
St. Stephen's parish, Chelsea, is seeking a bilingual individual to fill the part-time position of Church Administrator reporting to the Fabrique. The current office schedule is Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. but is flexible. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.
For any inquiries, contact us at pierre.le.bel@bell.net or at 819-360-5785.
To apply, send your Curriculum Vitae to admin@st-stephen.ca along with a cover letter. References will be requested at a later date.
This section is for the sharing of announcements/invitations from parishes and movements in the diocese. If you have an activity to share or advertise, please send a note to Bozica Domitrovic on Friday before the newsletter release.
BOZICA DOMITROVIC, Communication technician
domitrovicb@diocesegatineau.org / Telephone: 819 771-8391, ext. 308
180, boulevard du Mont-Bleu, Gatineau (Québec) J8Z 3J5
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