2021 Summer
Vol.1 No.1

As the CKA is now more and more taking its position as a significant resource and leader in the kinesiology community, it strives to strengthen organizations to align resources, activities and the practice to its full potential across Canada.
To that effect, a CKA working group has conducted a feasibility study on implementing a national examination process across Canada as a membership/affiliation prerequisite. This initiative comes directly from the CKA's having received requests from PKAs to be explored at a national level. It was within the mandate to recommend the best fit solutions for inclusion of all provinces except Ontario and Québec.
The CKA Board of Directors and the PKAS have approved the recommendation from the CKA Working Group. Beginning with the 2022 membership/affiliation, all new applying Kinesiologists will have to successfully pass the Kinesiology Entry-to-Profession Exam (KEPE), managed by an external firm on behalf of the CKA and the PKAs. This option is more aligned with the standards of recognition from the regulator's point of view. As provinces become legislated, it would be easier for each province to transfer their contract individually. This can be implemented from the beginning and would satisfy the requirements of the regulators in each province. This option offers a process that is independent; therefore, it brings more credibility.
The Kinesiology Entry-to-Profession Exam (KEPE) will be an online auto-correction exam that tests theoretical knowledge (no practical), including case questions and computer-based remote proctoring, delivered in two parts 100 competencies questions and 50 provincial jurisprudence questions, for a total of 150 questions. More information and details will be made available in September.
An Invitation to Apply
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA) is seeking candidates from the practising and academic communities for two new committees related to the Kinesiology Entry-to-Profession Exam (KEPE).
Interested candidates may apply by completing the following form and attaching their resume.
Application deadline: July 30, 5:00 p.m. ET
The CKA is seeking four to eight candidates from across Canada. The purpose of the committee is to oversee any matters related to the examination process.
The CKA is seeking at least two candidates per province for the provincial jurisdiction questions, and four to eight candidates for the core competency questions. The purpose of the working group is to create exam questions for the examination process
Apply Now
Message from the President
This past year has shown us how to be adaptable, overcome challenges and how to generate creative solutions we have never considered before.
Our focus continues to be on supporting our PKAs, to offer resources and collaborations and to promote and advocate for the profession of Kinesiology across the country. Through these collaborations, we were able to host the first Kin Can Virtual Conference in the fall and introduce the first annual Kinesiology Awards. This endeavour was merely just a dream a few years ago, but we made it happen! We look forward to continuing the tradition of hosting a virtual conference and awards on a yearly basis.
Thank you
Marie-Claude Leblanc
CKA Thanks One of Its Most Distinguished Volunteer -
This year, the CKA celebrates 20 years of growth and success and the people who made it possible. Board service is one of the toughest volunteer roles of all, and Marie-Claude Leblanc performed this duty with dedication and tenacity, distinguishing herself as a judicious pillar of our organization for many years. Her passion and her charisma made working with her delightful.
A famous activist once said, "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it." Marie-Claude has proved to be both wise and virtuous.
2021 CKA AGM
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / Alliance Canadienne de Kinésiologie (CKA/ACK) held its annual general meeting on May 5, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. ET. There were 72 registered affiliated Kinesiologists in attendance.
The Nominations Committee presented a slate for the 2021-22 Board of Directors, and the PKAs have confirmed their delegate. The notice of meeting and agenda were sent to all Kinesiologists on April 8, 2021. This year, in addition to the regular business of the AGM, a motion was carried to make bylaw changes in accordance with the new governance model to bring the CKA/ACK to a higher level of governance typical of national health organizations. The 2020 Annual Report is available on the website.
CKA Announces Its Newly Elected Board of Directors
Further to holding its AGM and its first Board of Directors meeting, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / Alliance Canadienne de Kinésiologie (CKA/ACK) is pleased to announce the composition of its new board for 2021-22 according to the new governance model. The CKA/ACK also announced the continuation of the presidency for Kathie Sharkey, RKin. The Board of Directors greets five new members as delegates of their province and one at-large member. Welcome to Amanda Rossi (at large), Marc-André Manuel (KANS), C. Nolan Turnbull (MKA), Todd Hickey (NBKA) and Sartre Jean Gilles (AKA).

The Kinesiology Case Competition is a national competition for students in the third and fourth years of Canadian university kinesiology, human kinetics and physical activity programs. Up to 24 teams from provinces throughout the country participate in the week-long event. The competition offers participants great opportunities to meet new people and network with practising Kinesiologists, academics, researchers and prominent businesspeople attending the competition either as judges or sponsors. Participants are encouraged to develop cases and then present and defend them. Most importantly, teams should have fun!
The format is a round-robin tournament consisting of four kinesiology cases. Three of these cases are live presentations about a real-life kinesiology-related challenge. With up to 24 hours (decreasing time per round) to prepare, teams of three students analyze and evaluate unpublished cases using the skills, knowledge and experience they have acquired from their respective kinesiology curriculums. They will have to consult with at least one researcher and one practising Kinesiologist. Students create a presentation that demonstrates their ability to dig into the problem and develop a feasible solution. A panel of judges grade the presentations according to a set list of criteria, using their unique backgrounds, experience and perspectives to critically assess the participants' presentations. Winners receive bursaries and recognition from the kinesiology community.
Spread the news! Encourage students to participate.
Prizes: Up to $3,000 in bursaries will be offered to outstanding participants in each round.
November 12: Release of Case #1 to 24 teams Qualifier Round
Kin Can Conference is back!
Join us on November 27 & 28, 2021
for the second national virtual kinesiology event
Kin Can Conference!
You will have the opportunity to grow and network, from the comfort of your home, with world-class presenters from many areas of specialized education.
The aim of this conference is to broaden the knowledge of Kinesiologists by sharing scientific insights from the latest research; theoretical and applicative findings; and experiences from the vast field of kinesiology, human movement science, sport and exercise. Through this experience, participants will enhance further cooperation between scholars, institutions and practising Kinesiologists in various projects in different fields of kinesiology.
Speakers and detailed information about the conference will be announced in September. The conference will be held in English, with captions in French.
Participants can earn the most continuing education credits in a single event!
Registration will open on August 16, 2021.
Read More
Canadian Kinesiology Awards
The Canadian Kinesiology Awards are presented for outstanding achievement in Canada's kinesiology industry. In its second year, the event offers a platform for kinesiology professionals to be recognized and celebrated for their talent, hard work and success.
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA) is pleased to recognize Canadian professionals for their achievements. It is expected that the awards will become a globally recognized symbol of excellence, as well as a powerful launching pad for careers, kinesiology clinics and universities looking to establish themselves in a competitive marketplace.
The CKA Awards are an acknowledgment by your peers that you are among the very best in your field in the country. Awards will be granted for outstanding achievement in the following categories: Kin of the Year, Researcher of the Year, Kinesiology Event of the Year and Best Speaker of the 2021 Kin Can Conference.
This year, the winners of the Kin Case Competition will be honored too!
All entries must be submitted by midnight October 31, 2021. The application period is now open.
Finalists will be announced at the closing ceremonies of the Kin Can Conference online on November 28, 2021.
Apply Now!
Download & Complete the Application Form to nominate someone

The CKA is currently working on establishing a charitable foundation to provide support for kinesiology research and initiatives across Canada. This exciting development will see greater opportunities for kinesiology researchers and Kinesiologists across the country to access resources in order to develop and/or implement initiatives.
Kinesiology initiatives that meet the value and principles of the CKA foundation and contribute to advancement of the health and well-being of Canadians will be ideally supported.
Researchers can apply to access resources from the CKA foundation to support their needs for studies that impact the practice and advancement of kinesiology.
Linked to accomplishing its mandate, the CKA is taking steps to create the Canadian Kinesiology Foundation on a charitable basis for which funds collected would be dispersed to kinesiology-related projects such as research, student scholarships and kinesiology initiatives (e.g., videos, educational modules).
The Kinesiology Foundation will be a national charitable organization dedicated to advancing and supporting values-based and principle-driven kinesiology initiatives and research throughout Canada. It will leverage the knowledge of the kinesiology community to foster and support action towards enhancing the understanding, development and implementation of kinesiology initiatives, as well as all forms of physical activity that contribute to improving quality of life, physical fitness, mental well-being and social interactions of Canadians through movement.
Stay tuned!
The CKA is committed to encouraging equity, diversity and inclusion in its administration of policies, programs and activities. It has taken a stand by adding a statement on its webpage and creating a policy to ensure the CKA provides equity-deserving groups with a full and inclusive range of opportunities to participate in and lead CKA programs and activities. With this purpose in mind, this policy is intended to articulate a core set of principles that have led to the development and implementation of directives for how CKA promotes equity, diversity and inclusion for all participants in all CKA activities.
The CKA holds the duty, the right, and the legal and moral responsibility to ensure that all participants affiliated with the organization are treated fairly, equitably and respectfully, and to provide a learning, working and living environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of characteristics of identity, including, but not limited to, sex, age, gender, race, sexuality, disability, religion, ethnicity and creed.
This initiative has been added to the R&D Action Plan and included in the Policy & Procedure Manual under Code of Conduct of a Director and Code of Ethics of a Kin; it was presented to the PKAs for their support, and we invite them to do the same. The CKA working group is developing a survey to gather information from Kinesiologists on how they have been affected by discrimination, whether their training in this area was adequate, and how they have adapted their practice to respect equity and inclusion. This may lead to educational webinars, videos or other material to support Kinesiologists in their practice.
New RFP Insurance Program
The CKA National Insurance Program, which includes professional liability insurance and general commercial liability coverage, has served Kinesiologists well thus far. As we come to the end of a five-year agreement cycle, the CKA designated a working group to review the current policy and to suggest recommendations. The working group wished to better align the policy terms with the ever-evolving modalities and scope of the kinesiology profession. Their work led to a request for proposal (RFP) to underwriters in the insurance industry that specialize in health care provider coverage. The RFP process will begin in August and end in September, when we will evaluate offers from up to seven insurance companies, in time for implementation before the membership renewals in November. The CKA believes it has done its due diligence in trying to find the best partners for Kinesiologists.
Become Certified in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Hey, Kins! Here's an idea to gain CECs. Organized by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, mental health first aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis. Clients include adults, youth and children, veterans, seniors, First Nations, Inuit, etc. More information: https://www.mhfa.ca/en/course-types
COVID-19 Vaccines and Practical Tips
Expand New Webinar
Do you want to develop your skills and feel more confident engaging your patients in a conversation around COVID-19 vaccines? Listen to Dr. Alan Kaplan, Dr. Simon Bacon and Dr. Kim Lavoie as they discuss the latest information regarding COVID-19 vaccines and practical tips that can help you support your patients in their decision-making process. Webinars were presented on May 26 and 27, 2021.
Science of Kinesiology taping
RockTape CKA's partners working for/with Kinesiologists has a message:
Here at RockTape we know how valuable information is, especially as things have become more and more digital with this pandemic.
As a team, we decided it would be cool to share some educational content with Kinesiologists, free of charge.
Here is a link to a YouTube video we made for health and fitness professionals on the science of kinesiology taping we think could be of interest to you!
The RockTape family

Returning to an active lifestyle after either having COVID-19 or being restricted from exercising can be challenging for some.
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA / ACK), in collaboration with practising Kinesiologists, has created guidelines to provide support for those undergoing recovery and/or resuming a regular healthy, active lifestyle. Kinesiologists are human movement experts who provide scientific advice and physical activity treatments that improve recovery, health and well-being, through all phases of life.
The CKA/ACK wishes to raise awareness of kinesiology as a solution for long-haulers, seniors and others of all ages as they recover from the impact of COVID-19 on their health and well-being.
These guidelines focus on six fields of expertise: cognitive capacities, ergonomics, cardiorespiratory health, functional abilities, weight gain and obesity, and safe return to sport. They are meant to be used as key advice to Canadians and to clients of Kinesiologists and other health professionals and will be produced in different forms, including infographics, as per requests by Kinesiologists.
All will be launched in September to coincide with the return to normal life across Canada.
Be ready in September!
KinStartUpKit University Tour Doubles Its Presence
As you probably know, the CKA has begun touring university campuses (virtually) to present the #KinStartUpKit (KSUK) to as many university students as possible in collaboration with PKAs and university liaisons as per its 2019 R&D Action Plan from the #KinVision2022 Strategic Plan. The goal is to inform students (who are about to finish their degree in kinesiology) about transitioning from academia to practice and help them decide whether to pursue post-graduate studies, start a career or a business, or follow another path.
After two full semesters of touring, despite COVID-19 restrictions and university closures, the coordinators of the #KinStartUpKit seminars, Brooke Hamilton and Julie Johnson, have successfully given 44 presentations in seven provinces. The number of presentations doubled in the second semester as the project became more popular. This initiative has successfully dispelled some of the misinformation about what is needed to launch one's career.
Work has started to refresh the presentation to incorporate new information and include the frequently asked questions. Contacts continue to be primed for ongoing presentations so that dates can be set in the same classes/at the same events every semester annually. We are reaching out to professors, TAs, academic advisors, student groups/societies/unions, etc., in each province to push for fall presentation bookings to be completed by end of summer 2021. A social media campaign will be created this summer and launched at the start of the fall 2021 term.
Should anyone wish to organize a presentation, contact Julie Johnson at coordinator@cka.ca.
Seeking Ambassadors
Apply now!
The CKA is seeking Ambassadors a Kin and a client to promote mental health during the 2020 National Kinesiology Week (NKW). This initiative began last year and was very successful. As an ambassador, you will speak on how Kins use exercise and physical activity to help people struggling with post-COVID-19 recovery.
NKW will be held November 22-28, 2021. Ambassadors must be available during NKW and the week prior for telephone interviews. They must also produce a 90-second introduction/promo video ("selfie" style) from a provided script and give the CKA the right to publish their video, image and story directly or indirectly in interviews with the press. We are seeking anglophone, francophone and bilingual peopleé
Do you think this would interest you? Are you helping a client struggling with post-COVID-19 recovery?
Anyone interested can contact the CKA at info@cka.ca.

Insurance Benefit Plan Campaign
"Join the Movement"
This year, the CKA and PKAs, in an initiative from the OKA, will potentially run an Insurance Benefit Plan Campaign from August to December 2021. A few details need to be finalized. The campaign will be held in each province via the PKAs under the theme "The Kinesiology Movement!" The goal is to reach more than 1,000 insurance company claim managers and insurance advisors and corporate human resources managers across Canada.
As governing bodies and as per their respective mission statements, the CKA and PKAs must increase meaningful initiatives targeting insurance companies and corporations to raise awareness of kinesiology services as insured treatments (reimbursable to clients). This initiative provides the opportunity for a CKA and/or PKA representative to inform this primary market of the advantages of including kinesiology services in their health benefit plans. The OKA has a campaign ready to go for 2021, and we feel that a unified national campaign would multiply the promotional materials and help reach the target market with a bigger "buzz" or "push."
Based on a combined partnership agreement, the CKA and its PKAs would join the OKA "Join the Movement" campaign. The CKA and its PKA partner logos would appear on material, and the PKAs would engage in various activities as defined below. Given the often-national nature of the insurance and health benefits sector, a national campaign supported by province-specific elements should increase the impact of the program by ensuring a common message that is consistently branded.
Some activities will include snail mail mailing, targeted email mailing, webinar or in-person presentations of "How to Use Your Kinesiology Benefit," visits with insurance and corporate HR representatives, social media campaign posts and shares, and follow-up calls to insurance and corporate HR representatives.
The goal? To help Kinesiologists get their services reimbursed by major insurance companies.
CLHIA Conference
The CKA had begun reaching out to insurance companies to raise awareness of kinesiology services and ensure their inclusion in extended health benefit programs. After last year's cancellation, the 2021 CLHIA conference was held virtually from June 1 to June 3, organized by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA).
This event hosted over 278 insurers and claims associates in a trade show, and the CKA formally presented in the sessions, plenaries and special events. The OKA, in collaboration with the CKA, gave the workshop "The Connection between Depression & Exercise" and offered "UWorkItOutUWin," a six-week supervised exercise program delivered to university students. The purpose of the program was to reduce mental distress and enhance mental well-being.
Our key message for insurers was that adding kinesiology to their benefits package will save money by providing access to exercise specialists who help prevent and manage mental and physical conditions that could lead to more costly benefit usage down the road; ensure plan members are in the hands of evidence-based, regulated professionals; and keep plan members on track with their health and wellness goals through increased access to guidance and coaching.
This very successful event is returning to an in-person format next year from May 25 to May 27 in Windsor, ON.
Mental Health Week
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance used Mental Health Week in January and Mental Health Week in May to begin creating a buzz. We invited people struggling with mental health to start in January with Bell Let's Talk, continue in May with Mental Health Week and the eMentalFitChallenge, and join us in November for National Kinesiology Week in support of Mental Health. The CKA reminded Canadians affected by mental illness that Kinesiologists, as part of a professional health team, can help them to move better, live better. Kinesiologists can help!
In summary, this campaign of 20 days reached 189,548 people (three times more than last year) and increased circulation to the CKA website by 12.65%, of which 2.0% went to the "Find-a-kin" page. It cost $80 to boost FB publicity. The eMentalFitChallenge had 137 participants (57FR + 80EN); the daily emails had an average opening rate of 57.5%, with peaks of 86.6%.
Our thanks are extended to all who participated and to the Kinesiologists and PKAs for their active and ongoing participation throughout the process.
National Health & Fitness Day
In conjunction with the 2020 National Kinesiology Week, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance used National Health and Fitness Day, Mental Health Week and Bell Let's Talk Day to invite people struggling with mental health to participate in these initiatives. In 2021, the CKA reminded Canadians affected by mental illness that Kinesiologists, as part of a professional health team, can help them to move better, live better. Kinesiologist can help!
In summary, this campaign of 18 days reached 116,699 people in 2021 vs. 203,579 people in 2020; circulation to the CKA website decreased by 43%, of which 77% went to the "Find a kin" page. There was an increase in users of 12% over last year, and an increase in sessions of 6%, all at no cost. The decrease in circulation may have been caused by the change in strategy for social media.
Our thanks are extended to all who participated and to the Kinesiologists and PKAs for their active and ongoing participation throughout the process.
NHFD Statement
The CKA has joined key national health organizations under the leadership of NHFD to create a joint statement on physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. This working group is exploring the potential for using physical activity promotion, education and infrastructure as a safe and economically viable means of addressing health inequities in Canada as well as rebounding from extensive ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The statement will suggest equitable physical activity opportunities for all Canadians and will be endorsed by leading Canadian organizations in the following spheres: education, movement and physical activity, inclusivity and/or accessibility and health care. The statement will be distributed to key stakeholders including Canadian policy and decision makers, public health organizations and the general public.
A one-page summary of the statement and resources will be distributed by the involved parties to their respective audiences. The full statement and related materials will be housed by a national organization related to physical activity promotion, and a summary of the statement will be published in a peer-reviewed academic journal to be determined.
The statement should be ready to be announced in September 2021.

The effects of light touch on gait and dynamic balance during normal and tandem walking in individuals with an incomplete spinal cord injury
Stretching is Superior to Brisk Walking for Reducing Blood Pressure in People With High-Normal Blood Pressure or Stage I Hypertension
Jongbum Ko, Dalton Deprez, Keely Shaw, Jane Alcorn, Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Corey Tomczak, Heather Foulds, Philip D Chilibeck
PubMed.gov. 2020 Dec 18;18(1):21-28. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2020-0365.
Background: Aerobic exercise is recommended for reducing blood pressure; however, recent studies indicate that stretching may also be effective. The authors compared 8 weeks of stretching versus walking exercise in men and women with high-normal blood pressure or stage 1 hypertension (ie, 130/85-159/99 mm Hg)
Conclusions: An 8-week stretching program was superior to brisk walking for reducing blood pressure in individuals with high-normal blood pressure or stage 1 hypertension.
The effect of physical exercise on functional brain network connectivity in older adults with and without cognitive impairment. A systematic review
Frederico Pieruccini-Faria 2, Timothy J Doherty 4, Manuel Montero-Odasso 6
Introduction: Neurodegeneration is a biproduct of aging that results in concomitant cognitive decline. Physical exercise is an emerging intervention to improve brain health. The underlying neural mechanisms linking exercise to neurodegeneration, however, are unclear. Functional brain network connectivity (FBNC) refers to neural regions that are anatomically separate but temporally synched in functional signalling. FBNC can be measured using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and is affected by neurodegeneration.
Discussion: We found evidence that physical exercise increases FBNC. When assessing the association between FBNC with physical and cognitive functioning, careful consideration must be given to variability in exercise parameters, neural regions of interest and networks examined, and heterogeneity in methodological approaches.
Read MoreThe efficacy of exergaming in people with major neurocognitive disorder residing in
long-term care facilities: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Nathalie Swinnen, Mathieu Vandenbulcke, Eling D. de Bruin,Riekje Akkerman, Brendon Stubbs, Joseph Firth & Davy Vancampfort
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy volume 13, Article number: 70 (2021)
Background: It is currently unknown whether exergaming is efficacious in people with major neurocognitive
disorder (MNCD) residing in long-term care facilities. This pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) explored the
efficacy of a stepping exergame program on gait speed, balance, mobility, reaction time, cognitive and
neuropsychiatric outcomes, quality of life, and daily life functioning in people with MNCD residing in long-term
care facilities.
Conclusions: The findings of this pilot RCT suggest that an individually adapted exergame training improves lower
extremity functioning, cognitive functioning and step reaction time and symptoms of depression in inpatients with
MNCD residing in long-term care facilities

Does Wearing a Mask Have an Impact on Your Sports Performance ?
By Alexandre Pare, Kinesiologist
With the more widespread wearing of masks, it is topical to question the issue of wearing a mask during physical activity. In recent months, our attention has been drawn especially to two studies that have attempted to determine whether wearing the surgical mask or the N95 mask has any particular effect on performance when performing intense cardiovascular physical activities.
Choose Green Exercises for Better Mind and Body
By Charmi Lad, Registered Kinesiologist
Spring is just around the corner, which means more sunshine, warm weather and outdoor activities and exercise. With the COVID-19 pandemic still going on, having to isolate ourselves from friends and family is having a negative impact on our health and wellness. Many of us are suffering from anxiety and depression, which can lead to other health issues like high blood pressure, fatigue, muscle aches and pain, breathing problems, headaches, panic attacks, etc.

CKA Academia Affiliation
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance has established an academia affiliation for researchers and academics who wish to unify the voice of kinesiology across Canada.
The academia affiliation is open to individuals who do not practise kinesiology and:
- are enrolled in a course of study leading to a master's or doctoral degree in kinesiology from a post-secondary educational institution in Canada that is recognized by the Board,
- are researchers or academics in the field of kinesiology or
- are, or were, employed as a professor/lecturer or faculty member of a post-secondary educational institution in Canada that is recognized by the Board, in a faculty or department that offers courses in kinesiology, human kinetics and related subjects.
Through this membership, researchers will have a stronger presence and voice in the advancement of kinesiology research, the kinesiology profession and the kinesiology degree across Canada.
Through establishing a CKA academia membership program, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance seeks to unify the voice of kinesiology researchers and professionals. Researchers and academics will benefit from the CKA's goal of connecting the professional fields and promoting and advancing resources and networking opportunities.
Affiliation is for researchers in kinesiology and its directly related fields: biomechanics, health psychology, physiology, nutrition, assistive technology, computer science, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, biology, physics, chemistry and others that impact the advancement of kinesiology research, knowledge of the human body, and skills for practising professionals. Affiliated researchers and academics will be encouraged to participate in order to support their services and knowledge.
For requirements, benefits and fees, visit the CKA website sections I'm Academia and Become Affiliated.
CKA R&A Working Committee
With the move to better support researchers and academics, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance has established a research and academia working committee. The CKA Reasearch and Academia (R&A) Committee is currently seeking interested candidates.
Researchers and academics are leaders in advancing understanding of the human body, movement and health. This working committee will foster connection of kinesiology researchers throughout the multidisciplinary field of the profession, support translation of research to practice, and expand public awareness of the impact of kinesiology on the health of Canadians.
This is a great opportunity for researchers and academics to be involved in supporting research in all fields of kinesiology, improving career development for researchers, and translating knowledge to the professional practice of kinesiology.
Purpose/Vision of the committee
- To promote and foster high-quality research that is applicable to the practice of kinesiology, the education of Kinesiologists and the innovation of the profession
- To establish a firm scientific knowledge base for the purpose of delivering more effective kinesiology practice and enhancing patient services
Responsibilities of the committee
- To establish our kinesiology researchers as the leaders in evidence-based science advancing the understanding of the human body, human movement and human health, from the cellular to societal level
- To promote how research helps practising Kinesiologists, the public and policy-makers improve the health outcomes of Canadians.
Proposed frequency of meetings
- Quarterly or more frequently if required
- Be a CKA Academia Affiliate in good standing
- Sign a volunteer agreement on confidentiality

BCAK members attended the association's annual general meeting on May 15, 2021 attendance was a record high this year and the AGM was once again held online. In addition to the AGM, BCAK also held three professional development sessions on May 15: Scoliosis Biomechanical Considerations for Exercise Prescription, presented by Andrea Mendoza, BSc, MPT; Ergonomic Design for Home Offices, presented by Pam Grills, CCPE, MSc; and ICBC Answers Questions about the Delivery of Kinesiology Services after May 1, 2021 (the start of the province's new Enhanced Care insurance model). BCAK has also launched an online Lunch and Learn series this year, starting with Pathverse A Mobile Health Platform for Kinesiologists (March) and Stress and Self-Regulation for Health Professionals with Hannah Flahr, BSFL, MHR (May).
The AKA is preparing for the September 2021 launch of our first ever collaboration with the UofA Practicum program and educational partners including Fitterfirst and Metriks FCE. In addition we launched our first podcast AKA KinPod Episode 1 featuring AKA Professional Kinesiologist Nathaniel Ernst. The AKA continues to strive for regulation in the background as we carefully prepare our application.
Although SK is the only province in Canada that is not a CKA-recognized provincial kinesiology association, there is growing interest and exploration around SK becoming a recognized PKA.
We have recently updated our website (manitobakinesiologists.ca) and we will be scheduling our AGM and developing strategies to continue to continue to grow our membership
OKA is active in reviewing the status of their strategic plan. An extensive Insurance Benefit Plan Campaign was designed and should be launched shortly. A new onboarding guideline was developed to greet new members of their Board of Directors. K.E.E.N. is still in expansion, continually adding new material, with the help of its coordinator for which her mandate was extended.
We are pleased to announce that our request for professional supervision has taken a new step, that of professional consultation!
As you know, the Office des professions du Québec (Office) advises the government on the establishment of new orders and on the merger or integration of a group of people into existing orders. As part of this responsibility, the Office assesses the relevance of supervising the professional practice of kinesiology.
At this stage, the Office wishes to identify training profiles, define the practice of kinesiology in various settings and define their scope of practice, while examining the possible interfaces with the practice of several professionals.
This consultation will be held until September 30 with the government agencies, professional orders and professional associations concerned and the faculties that offer a training program in kinesiology.
Normally, this professional consultation precedes the public consultation, which is intended to be the last step before filing an opinion with the government.
The Kinesiology Association of New Brunswick has been active this spring in reaching out to its members by offering two webinars and a new newsletter featuring one of our NB Kinesiologists as well as publishing an opinion letter in a provincial newspaper on the health benefits of the built environment (pedestrianization of Main Street in Moncton). The NBIAA was also active on social media to promote physical activity and the profession of kinesiology during the Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week last May. Recently the AKNB has also been in contact with the Atlantic Provinces Associations in their collective effort to advance the profession.
The Kinesiology Association of Nova Scotia (KANS) has been working. tirelessly in advocating Kinesiology as a regulated profession in Nova Scotia. Furthermore, the Board of Directors is placing a focus on creating. member out-reach within the province, building the groundwork for a great network of Kinesiologists. Many great strides have also been made in cross-provincial collaboration with other Atlantic Provincial Kinesiology Associations. The Board of Directors is working diligently in making. Kinesiology grow within Nova Scotia, as we move forward in the year.
Kinesiology PEI is working to develop our Core Competencies and Standards of Practice, which will assist in our efforts with insurance companies and in becoming a regulated profession on PEI. Kinesiologists Katie Beck and Angelie Carter have received funding from the PEI Department of Health and Wellness to run programs for individuals with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, COPD, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Finally, a pilot program providing exercise to patients undergoing dialysis led by Kinesiologist Kevin Douillette has been expanded to dialysis patients province-wide. Read about it.
The NLKA awarded students from the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation at Memorial University of Newfoundland with "sports awards" for the 20-21 academic season. Awards were given for top marks in the core Kinesiology courses, and faculty members voted for an 'Athlete of the Year', which was given to a deserving student who volunteered their time and energy to promote health and wellness in their community.
The NLKA participated in 'National Health and Fitness Day' by creating a virtual contest to encourage individuals to get out and hike our beautiful trails.
The NLKA has been asked to represent 'Other Healthcare Professionals' on a government/University organized committee that will tackle big topics in healthcare in our province.

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Get Preferred rates @ the CKA BOUTIQUE
Save 20% and more
The online CKA Boutique offers the best to Kinesiologists! The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance partners with companies that respect CKA values and have common elements in their respective missions. Companies have the opportunity to network, communicate and build brand awareness within the Kinesiologist community.
The CKA is proud to offer Affiliated Kinesiologists preferential rates on products and services from its partners in order to help you in your practice of kinesiology. Take advantage of discounts HAVE FUN SHOPPING!

Publisher: France A. Martin Project Manager: France A. Martin
Robert Kraakman, France A. Martin, Anna Petrie, Patricia MacDonald, Muriel Ouaknine
Layout & Design:
Anna Petrie, France A. Martin
Copyright © 2021 Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / Alliance canadienne de kinésiologie, All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance
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